Episode 6

Published on:

11th Mar 2022

Generational Leadership with CA Attorney General Rob Bonta

Born to activists who went to church with Martin Luther King, Jr. and organized in the Farmworkers Movement with Cesar Chavez, Rob Bonta inherited leadership from parents and paved his own path to being the first Filipino American to be California's Attorney General. In this episode, Tammy Tran and Catt Phan speak to California's chief law officer and the “attorney for the people." The Attorney General shares how he and his wife, Assemblymember Mia Bonta, instill the importance of public service in their family, how to pave your own path as an authentic leader, and action items each of us can do when feeling helpless in the face of anti-Asian hate.

Attorney General Bonta's passion for justice and fairness was instilled in him by his parents, who served on the frontlines of some of America's most important social justice movements. Instilling in him the lessons they learned from the United Farm Workers and the civil rights movement, Attorney General Bonta's parents lit a fire inside him to fight against injustice — to stand up for those who are taken advantage of or harmed. It's why he decided to become a lawyer — to help right historic wrongs and fight for people who have been harmed. He worked his way through college and graduated with honors from Yale University and attended Yale Law School.

In the State Assembly, Attorney General Bonta enacted nation-leading reforms to inject more justice and fairness into government and institutions. As the People's Attorney, he sees seeking accountability from those who abuse their power and harm others as one of the most important functions of the job. In elected office, he has taken on powerful interests and advanced systemic change — pursuing corporate accountability, standing up for workers, punishing big polluters, and fighting racial injustice. He has been a national leader in the fight to transform the criminal justice system, banning private prisons and detention facilities in California, as well as pushing to eliminate cash bail in the state. He has led statewide fights for racial, economic, and environmental justice and worked to further the rights of immigrant families, renters, and working Californians.



Office of the Attorney General: https://oag.ca.gov/

LEAP Connect: leap.org/leap-connect



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About the Podcast

The LEAP Podcast
If in your culture, you are taught to keep your head down and stay quiet, how do you lead in a society that says speak up and be heard? Sometimes that means taking a leap of faith, doing what hasn't been done and taking risks.

The LEAP Podcast explores these types of questions in the context of Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics. LEAP is a nonprofit organization and committed to developing people, informing society, and empowering communities.

Two Tami/my’s explore with fellow API leaders and allies about their journeys, leaps they have taken in life, and how at the end of the day, they stay faithful to their values and bring others along with them. API women have often been taught to shrink and silence themselves - but our collective voices are powerful and deserve to be heard on our terms We telling our stories for ourselves and for our communities.

About your host

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Celine Hoang