Episode 5

Published on:

24th May 2021

Courageous Leadership with Liji Thomas

Liji Thomas is South Asian and an inclusion and diversity executive for the Beauty Counter. She discusses what it means to truly be inclusive, how we help each other by creating space for others, and being courageous enough to take leaps of faith in our careers that can transform organizations and communities. 

Liji offers advice on negotiating your worth in a professional context and explores her mantra - comfort and growth cannot coexist. 

In the most zen and calming way, Liji talks about the courage to challenge the status quo, the importance of mutual trust and respect, as well as how leadership enables and inspires people to challenge themselves, overcome self-imposed barriers, discover new potential, and reach new heights.

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About the Podcast

The LEAP Podcast
If in your culture, you are taught to keep your head down and stay quiet, how do you lead in a society that says speak up and be heard? Sometimes that means taking a leap of faith, doing what hasn't been done and taking risks.

The LEAP Podcast explores these types of questions in the context of Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics. LEAP is a nonprofit organization and committed to developing people, informing society, and empowering communities.

Two Tami/my’s explore with fellow API leaders and allies about their journeys, leaps they have taken in life, and how at the end of the day, they stay faithful to their values and bring others along with them. API women have often been taught to shrink and silence themselves - but our collective voices are powerful and deserve to be heard on our terms We telling our stories for ourselves and for our communities.

About your host

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Celine Hoang